The Bereans

GroupThink (1 Cor. 1:10-17)

Apostle Paul opens his letter to the church at Corinth with greetings and thanksgiving. Then he makes his first appeal, for the unity of the brethren in the faith community […]

God Abides in Our Choices (Ps. 139:7-13)

Psalm 139 is a song of David, a lament actually (NKJV Chronological Bible, 2008, p. 426). David emphasizes God’s perfect knowledge of man (p. 428). That bears a brief inspection, […]

Light the Candle of Love (Advent Week #4)

Merry Christmas to all! We are near the completion of our Advent observance. I pray the focused time on the coming of Christ and all the lessons of Advent inspired […]

The Beautiful Yield

Jesus said,  This is My commandment, that you love one another, just as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this, that one lay down his life […]

Dear Jaded Intercessor,

jaded adjective  jad·ed  \ˈjā-dəd\ feeling or showing a lack of interest and excitement caused by having done or experienced too much of something ( Dear Jaded Intercessor,   The time is soon coming […]

On Escaping From

Good day, Royal Ones. God makes the way of escape (See 1 Corinthians 10:13, and others). He creates the opening for us to get away from or get through obstacles. […]

Dear Gifted Girl, make the announcement…

Hey Gifted Girls! I’ve been praying for us this week. Today, dare greatly! Make the announcement. I NO LONGER FEAR LOSS. You sensed Holy Spirit nudging you to act on […]

Grace for the Recovering Perfectionist

Dear Recovering Perfectionist, You know, Holy Week is our week. It’s our chance to appreciate the best story ever lived and told, and apply it to our lives. It’s our […]

Love is a Risk (communion)

Bonhoeffer speaks to Jesus’ passion and says that in all, “what is at stake for Jesus is…solely his love for real human beings” (p. 92). And because His love is […]